Vintage Tractor Light Butlers Brand, Vintage Tractor Used

Vintage Tractor Light Butlers Brand, Vintage Tractor Used

Vintage Tractor Light Butlers Brand, Vintage Tractor Used

Vintage Tractor Light Butlers Brand, Vintage Tractor Used

Vintage Tractor Light Butlers Brand, Vintage Tractor Used

Vintage Tractor Light Butlers Brand, Vintage Tractor Used

Vintage Tractor Light Butlers Brand, Vintage Tractor Used

Vintage Tractor Light Butlers Brand, Vintage Tractor Used

Vintage Tractor Light Butlers Brand, Vintage Tractor Used

Vintage Tractor Light Butlers Brand, Vintage Tractor Used

Vintage Tractor Light Butlers Brand, Vintage Tractor Used

Vintage Tractor Light Butlers Brand, Vintage Tractor Used

Vintage Tractor Light Butlers Brand, Vintage Tractor Used

1 light only, Butlers brand. Has a Parker bulb as well as main bulb. The light body is in very good condition for it. Reflector is good maybe need rechrome. This light would suit refurbished. Check out photos and my other 1500 plus items in my store. All my items will be wrapped well and will have tracking.

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