Vintage Tractor Light Vintage Tractor Light

Vintage Tractor Light Vintage Tractor Light

Vintage Tractor Light Vintage Tractor Light

Vintage Tractor Light Vintage Tractor Light

Vintage Tractor Light Vintage Tractor Light

Vintage Tractor Light Vintage Tractor Light

Vintage Tractor Light Vintage Tractor Light

Vintage Tractor Light Vintage Tractor Light

Vintage Tractor Light Vintage Tractor Light

Vintage Tractor Light Vintage Tractor Light

Vintage Tractor Light Vintage Tractor Light

Vintage Tractor Light Vintage Tractor Light

Vintage Tractor Light Vintage Tractor Light

The main body is good Bar couple or small rust holes, Straight. The lens holder or front of light looks restoreable. The Glass and Reflector will have to be pulled apart and recoed. This light has been in a flood so electrical fittings are no good I’d say. Bracket and mount look usable. I have close up photos. Check out photos and my other 1500 plus items in my store. All my items will be wrapped well and have tracking.

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