Vintage Tractor Light Vintage Tractor

Vintage Tractor Light Vintage Tractor

Vintage Tractor Light Vintage Tractor

Vintage Tractor Light Vintage Tractor

Vintage Tractor Light Vintage Tractor

Vintage Tractor Light Vintage Tractor

Vintage Tractor Light Vintage Tractor

Vintage Tractor Light Vintage Tractor

Vintage Tractor Light Vintage Tractor

Vintage Tractor Light Vintage Tractor

Vintage Tractor Light Vintage Tractor

Vintage Tractor Light Vintage Tractor

Vintage Tractor Light Vintage Tractor

This light will need to be restored. Check out photos and my other 1700 plus items in my store. All my items will be wrapped well and will have tracking. I have close up photos.

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