2017 Kubota B26 4WD tractor with backhoe and outriggers

2017 Kubota B26 4WD tractor with backhoe and outriggers

2017 Kubota B26 4WD tractor with backhoe and outriggers

2017 Kubota B26 4WD tractor with backhoe and outriggers

2017 Kubota B26 4WD tractor with backhoe and outriggers

2017 Kubota B26 4WD tractor with backhoe and outriggers

2017 Kubota B26 4WD tractor with backhoe and outriggers

2017 Kubota B26 4WD tractor with backhoe and outriggers

2017 Kubota B26 4WD tractor with backhoe and outriggers

2017 Kubota B26 4WD tractor with backhoe and outriggers

2017 Kubota B26 4WD tractor with backhoe and outriggers

2017 Kubota B26 4WD tractor with backhoe and outriggers

2017 Kubota B26 4WD tractor with backhoe and outriggers

2017 Kubota B26 4WD tractor with backhoe and outriggers

2017 Kubota B26 4WD tractor with backhoe and outriggers

2017 Kubota B26 4WD tractor with backhoe and outriggers

2017 Kubota B26 4WD tractor with backhoe and outriggers

2017 Kubota B26 4WD tractor with backhoe and outriggers

The tractor runs and drives as it should, backhoe and outriggers work great too. The unit has dents and scratches from working and living outdoors. If you would like more photos or have questions just message me.

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