0320101020D 20104-00 4×54 Fuel Tank Strap Assy w ½-13 Bolt, New

0320101020D 20104-00 4x54 Fuel Tank Strap Assy w ½-13 Bolt, New

0320101020D 20104-00 4x54 Fuel Tank Strap Assy w ½-13 Bolt, New

0320101020D 20104-00 4x54 Fuel Tank Strap Assy w ½-13 Bolt, New

0320101020D 20104-00 4x54 Fuel Tank Strap Assy w ½-13 Bolt, New

0320101020D 20104-00 4x54 Fuel Tank Strap Assy w ½-13 Bolt, New

Catalog Number: 0320101020D 20104-00. 4″ x 54″ plate. With 1/2-13 bolt on both end. Condition: New old stock and out of box. Please see pictures for further details. Have a nice day!!

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