1025R John Deere Tractor

1025R John Deere Tractor

1025R John Deere Tractor

1025R John Deere Tractor

1025R John Deere Tractor

1025R John Deere Tractor

1025R John Deere Tractor

1025R John Deere Tractor

1025R John Deere Tractor

1025R John Deere Tractor

1025R John Deere Tractor

1025R John Deere Tractor

1025R John Deere Tractor

1025R John Deere Tractor

1025R John Deere Tractor

1025R John Deere Tractor

1025R John Deere Tractor

1025R John Deere Tractor

1025R John Deere Tractor

1025R John Deere Tractor

1025R John Deere Tractor

Less than 5 years old, 143.9 hours, with 60 inch deck. Tractor has been shed kept and is in perfect condition. We also have any accessory you could want for it fork, wagon, snow plow, etc. That I would be willing to sell.

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