Compact tractors with loader used

Compact tractors with loader used

Compact tractors with loader used

Compact tractors with loader used

Compact tractors with loader used

Compact tractors with loader used

Compact tractors with loader used

Compact tractors with loader used

Compact tractors with loader used

Compact tractors with loader used

Compact tractors with loader used

Compact tractors with loader used

Compact tractors with loader used

Compact tractors with loader used

Compact tractors with loader used

Compact tractors with loader used

Compact tractors with loader used

Compact tractors with loader used

This compact tractor is equipped with a hydrostatic transmission and 2WD drive, making it perfect for various farming tasks. The machine is made by Case and has one engine cylinder, which runs on gasoline. Additionally, it comes with a loader attachment, enhancing its capabilities. The tractor is used but still in good working condition. We have new lights, wires, ignition, starter/generator, regulator, tires, and hydraulic lines.

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